Monday, September 27, 2010


and this is the lemon highly pixelated.  it is zoomed in well beyond the point of recognisability, which is something to think of doing for each artifact


These are more images of just plain scans, with an open background.  They are the foundation from which the project will stem but i would like the final result to be related back to these.


After experimentation and deliberation this is the new proposal I have for project 1.


This is from a series of working ideas.  The concept is involving how the 3 dimensional linear world is transformed into a 2D plane, using digital media.  Some of the results, like this one, were very interesting.  I'm not sure you could tell that the object is a whiskey glass from the close-up and the stark black background in the scans gives it a very spatial atmosphere.  The scanner doesn't take a projection of the world like a photograph, it adds a sort of gradient and distorts anything which is away from the flat plane.  From here I'll be experimenting with some more rounded objects and maybe adding some movement as well.

Monday, September 20, 2010


here's some of the photos i was thinking of using.  with the text letterpressed through them

Project. 1 Proposal

reckon this needs a bit of work but this is the first idea i had for the project